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Summer to Fall Lawn Care Tips: Keep Your Lawn Healthy All Year Round

Summer to Fall Lawn Care Tips: Keep Your Lawn Healthy All Year Round

As the summer heat begins to wane and the crispness of fall approaches, it's the perfect time to give your lawn the care it needs to transition smoothly into the cooler months. The change in seasons offers a unique opportunity to address the wear and tear that summer can bring to your lawn and prepare it for a healthy winter. Here are some essential lawn care tips to help you make the most of this transitional period.

Continue Mowing, but Adjust the Height

As temperatures start to cool, continue mowing your lawn, but gradually raise the mower blade. Keeping your grass a bit taller (around 2.5 to 3 inches) helps it retain moisture and insulates the roots against the cooler weather. Longer grass blades also promote deeper root growth, which is essential for a strong and resilient lawn.

Overseed Thin Areas

Fall is an excellent time to overseed your lawn, especially in areas that have thinned out over the summer. The cooler temperatures and increased moisture create ideal conditions for seed germination. Choose a high-quality grass seed that is well-suited for your region and apply it to bare or thin spots. Be sure to water the seeded areas regularly to encourage strong growth.

Aerate the Soil

Compacted soil can be a significant barrier to healthy grass growth. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. Fall is the perfect time to aerate your lawn because the soil is still warm enough for the grass to recover quickly, but cool enough to prevent stress on the lawn. This process helps alleviate compaction from summer foot traffic and enhances root development.

Fertilize for a Strong Foundation

Applying a slow-release fertilizer in the fall gives your lawn the nutrients it needs to develop strong roots before winter sets in. Look for a fertilizer high in nitrogen, which promotes growth and greening. A healthy, well-fed lawn in the fall will emerge greener and thicker in the spring.

Keep Raking and Clearing Debris

As leaves begin to fall, it's important to keep your lawn clear of debris. A layer of leaves can block sunlight and trap moisture, leading to fungal growth and other lawn diseases. Regular raking also helps to keep the lawn's surface even, which is essential for healthy grass growth.

Address Weed Control

Weeds can be particularly aggressive in the fall as they try to absorb as many nutrients as possible before winter. Applying a pre-emergent weed control product can help prevent weeds from taking over your lawn. Be sure to follow the product instructions carefully to avoid damaging your grass. 

Water Wisely

While fall typically brings more rainfall, it's still essential to monitor your lawn's moisture levels. Grass needs about an inch of water per week, so supplement with watering if necessary. Watering deeply and infrequently encourages deep root growth, which is critical for a lawn that can withstand the winter months.

Prepare Your Lawn Equipment for Storage

As lawn care tasks wind down for the season, take time to clean and maintain your equipment. Sharpen mower blades, clean off any debris, and perform any necessary maintenance to ensure your tools are in top shape for next season.


By following these tips, you'll ensure that your lawn is healthy, resilient, and ready to thrive when spring rolls around. Remember, the work you put in during the fall sets the stage for a beautiful lawn next year.

For all your home and lawn care needs, from fertilizers and grass seed to aeration tools and lawn mowers, visit Baker's Ace Hardware in Monroe, MI. Our knowledgable staff is here to help you find everything you need to keep your lawn looking its best all year round! 


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